EarthPaper Terms and Privacy Policy

Platform·Content Copyright Policy

  1. Summary
    1. All intellectual property rights and copyrights related to the satellite utilization platform ‘Earthpaper’, developed, constructed, and operated by Nara Space Technology Inc. (hereinafter “Nara Space”), belong to Nara Space. All materials on the platform are protected by copyright law.
  2. Definition of Terms
    1. “Platform” refers to the site ‘EarthPaper’ developed, built, and operated by Nara Space as an environment built to exchange value through fair transactions.
    2. “Service” refers to the act of providing content to users through any terminal that can access the Internet.
    3. “Content” refers to materials or information, including satellite images, text, images and videos (including combinations thereof).
    4. “User” or “Member” refers to a person who uses the services and content provided by ‘EarthPaper’.
    5. “Free Content” and “Free Reports” define all information and materials on the EarthPaper Sitemap that do not require payment.
    6. “Paid Content” and “Paid Report” define all information and materials for which payment is made on the EarthPaper Sitemap.
    7. “Satellite imagery” refers to images captured by any type of artificial satellite, commonly referred to as satellite photography.
    8. “Additional data” defines data including files, images, text formats, etc. included in content and reports.
  3. Citation and Use of Content

    All materials produced by Nara Space (including satellite imagery, reports, content, and data) can be cited for commercial and non-commercial purposes, such as press releases, articles, critiques, education, advertising, and research, provided the usage guidelines are followed. When citing or using content, please adhere to the principles of mutual good faith and fulfill the following requirements. Note that the responsibility for any violations of the content citation and usage guidelines lies with the distributor who committed the violation.

  4. Content citation and usage guide
    1. (Required) Matters requiring prior approval from Nara Space
      1. External distribution of EarthPaper paid content and paid reports
      2. Commercial use of EarthPaper paid/free content and paid/free reports
      3. Reproduction of EarthPaper contents and reports
      4. Any other copyright usage acts that require prior permission from the copyright holder under copyright law.

      In such cases, you must obtain our approval by specifying the request details (organization or institution name, website address, content of the approval request, contact person's name, email, phone number, date of the approval request, and purpose) to the EarthPaper representative.

    1. When citing or utilizing content, please indicate the source as follows.
      1. (korean/english notation) EarthPaper
        1. EarthPaper is a proper noun that is not used in korean
    2. We do not share or distribute the full content, PDF files, or links without authorization. Additionally, we do not arbitrarily process or interpret the data within the content and reports to distribute it under the names of NaraspaceTechnology Inc. and EarthPaper. If you need to discuss the interpretation of the data, please contact us at (
    3. The scope of citation for the content and reports is limited to the use of specific information (images, text, data) from the entire content, and it does not allow for citation or reproduction that shares the entire content or key messages. Additionally, distributing the content as your own after simple processing, such as rearranging the structure, is not permitted regardless of source attribution.
    4. When citing reports provided by EarthPaper, please specify the title of the report and the year of publication.
      1. Example of notation
        1. "Distributor (Year of Distribution), 「Title」, Page.
          1. NaraspaceTechnology Inc. (2023), 「2023 Corn Harvest Annual Forecast Report」, 23-51.
        2. ‘NaraspaceTechnology Inc.’ should be written without spaces.
        3. Each item is separated by a comma and ends with a period.
  5. Content Usage and Copyright Inquiries
    1. For any additional inquiries, please contact the EarthPaper team. We will provide detailed responses.
      Email |
      Phone number | (+82) 051-404-0331

End User Data License Agreement
List Data License Agreement
Skywatch EULA PDF Download
Observer EULA PDF Download