EarthPaper Terms and Privacy Policy

Chapter 1: General Provisions Article 1 (Purpose)

This agreement has been prepared to establish the terms and conditions, procedures for using the ‘Earthpaper’ subscription and payment services, free and paid services (hereinafter referred to as 'Services') provided by Nara Space Technology Inc.. (hereinafter referred to as the 'Company') in the satellite image utilization platform (hereinafter referred to as 'Earthpaper').

Since it establishes fundamental matters, please read it carefully.

Article 2 (Definition of Terms)
  1. The definitions of the terms used in these terms and conditions are as follows, and the interpretation of undefined terms shall be in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, guidelines, these Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and customary practices.
    1. Earthpaper : 'Earthpaper Service' and related services provided by Nara Space Technology Inc. in PC and mobile environments.
    2. Member : 'Member' refers to customers who access the Company's services, enter into an agreement with the 'Company' in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, and use the services provided by the 'Company'.
    3. Account (ID) : 'Account (ID)' refers to a combination of letters, numbers, or special characters chosen by the member and provided by the company for the purpose of member identification and service usage
    4. Member Information : 'Member Information' refers to general information provided by the member to ‘Earthpaper’, such as the member's account, password, name, as well as service usage information, payment status for service usage fees, and generated information.
    5. Password: 'Password' refers to a combination of letters, numbers, or special characters chosen by the member themselves and kept secret to confirm the member's identity matching the assigned account and to protect the member's information and rights.
    6. Non-member Service: 'Non-member Service' refers to limited services provided by the company that can be experienced without a separate membership registration process and do not involve the collection of personal information.
    7. Paid Service: 'Paid Service' refers to all services, including various online digital content and satellite imagery, available for a fee through the 'Earthpaper' service.
Article 3 (Specification, Effect, and Modification of Terms and Conditions)
  1. ① 'The Company' shall post the contents of these terms and conditions on the 'Earthpaper' website to make it easily accessible to 'Members'. However, the contents of these terms and conditions shall be posted on the initial screen connection screen for Members to view.
  2. ② When 'The Company' revises these terms and conditions, it will provide notice on the website's initial screen, along with the current terms and conditions, seven (7) days before the effective date of the revised terms and conditions, specifying the effective date and reason for the revision. However, in the event of significant changes to the terms and conditions or changes that are unfavorable to 'Members,' 'The Company' will, in addition to the 30-day notice on the website, provide a separate individual notification through electronic means, including the email registered in 'Member Information'.
  3. ③ Even though 'The Company' has clearly notified 'Members' that if they do not express their refusal within the notice period, it will be considered as their approval when notifying 'Members' in accordance with the preceding paragraph, if 'Members' use 'Earthpaper' without explicitly expressing their refusal, it is considered that 'Members' have agreed to the revised terms and conditions.
  4. ④ If 'Members' do not agree to the revised terms and conditions, 'The Company' cannot apply the contents of the revised terms and conditions, and 'Members' may choose to terminate the usage agreement by expressing their refusal.
  5. ⑤ As a general rule, these terms and conditions apply from the date when 'Members' agree to them until the termination of the usage agreement. Some clauses of these terms and conditions may remain valid even after the termination of the usage agreement.
  6. ⑥ 'The Company' may revise these terms and conditions within the scope that does not violate relevant laws and regulations, such as the 'Electronic Commerce Consumer Protection Act,' 'Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions,' 'Information and Communications Network Utilization Promotion and Information Protection Act,' 'Content Industry Promotion Act,' and other applicable laws.
Article 4 (Supplementary Provisions Outside the Terms and Conditions)
  1. ① These terms and conditions constitute the fundamental agreement between 'The Company' and 'Members.' 'The Company' may, if necessary, establish specific provisions (hereinafter referred to as 'Individual Terms and Conditions') that apply to certain services and notify 'Members' in advance. If 'Members' agree to the Individual Terms and Conditions and use specific services, the Individual Terms and Conditions shall take precedence over these terms and conditions.
  2. ② Matters not specified in these terms and conditions shall be governed by the 'Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions' (hereinafter referred to as the "Act on Terms and Conditions"), the 'Electronic Commerce Consumer Protection Act,' the 'Information and Communications Network Utilization Promotion and Information Protection Act,' the 'Content Industry Promotion Act,' guidelines on consumer protection in electronic commerce, etc., as determined by the Fair Trade Commission, and relevant laws or customs.
Chapter 2: Conclusion of Usage Agreement Article 5 (Application for Use and Method)

To use the 'Service,' 'Members' must apply for usage through the application form provided on the initial screen or homepage of Earthpaper.

  1. ① 'Members' must provide all the information required by 'The Company' when applying for usage.
  2. ② When making the application for usage under paragraph 1, the user must provide their actual information. If false information is provided or if another person's identity is impersonated, the user cannot claim the rights under these terms and conditions, and 'The Company' may cancel or terminate the usage agreement without a refund.
  3. ③ If a minor (including a student currently enrolled in high school as defined in Article 2 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and is under 19 years old) applies for usage, they must obtain the consent of their legal guardian, and the specific consent procedure shall be followed by 'The Company' in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
Article 6 (Acceptance and Limitation of Usage Application)
  1. ① 'The Company' shall approve the application for usage when the user has accurately provided all the required information unless there is no justifiable reason for rejection.
  2. ② 'The Company' may refuse to approve or may revoke approval for usage applications falling under any of the following provisions
    1. In cases where an application for usage is made in violation of Article 5.
    2. In the case of a member under the age of 14, where the consent of the legal guardian (parent, etc.) was not obtained during the personal information collection process for membership registration or cannot be confirmed.
    3. In cases where a member with a usage restriction record within the last 3 months applies for usage.
    4. In cases where a member whose contract has been terminated under Article 20 applies for usage.
    5. In cases where an applicant violates the prohibited items specified in Article 11.
    6. In cases where an application for usage is made with the purpose of engaging in illegal activities prohibited by the 'Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc.' and other related laws.
  3. ③ 'The Company' may withhold approval until the reasons are resolved in cases falling under any of the following provisions
    1. In cases where there is a lack of capacity or technical issues with the equipment for 'Earthpaper.'
    2. In cases where there is a malfunction on 'Earthpaper' or there is a problem with the payment method for 'Earthpaper' usage fees.
    3. In other cases where approval of the usage application is difficult for reasons similar to each of the above provisions.
  4. ④ When approval for usage is not granted or is withheld, 'The Company' will generally inform the 'Applicant' of this.
  5. ⑤ The time of establishment of the usage agreement is the moment when 'The Company' indicates the completion of registration in the application process.
Article 7 (Obligations Regarding the Management of Member IDs and Passwords)
    ① The 'Member' is responsible for the management of their 'ID' and 'password,' and must not allow a third party to use them. ② If 'The Company' has concerns about the potential leakage of personal information related to a 'Member's' 'ID,' or if there are concerns about potential misuse as 'The Company' or its operators, 'The Company' may restrict the usage of the relevant 'ID' when necessary to protect 'Members' and 'Earthpaper'. ③ If a 'Member' becomes aware that their 'ID' and 'password' have been stolen or are being used by a third party, they must immediately notify 'The Company' and follow 'The Company's' guidance. ④ In the event of the circumstances described in paragraph 3, if the relevant 'Member' fails to notify 'The Company' or does not follow 'The Company's' guidance even after notification, 'The Company' shall not be held responsible for any resulting disadvantages. ⑤ 'Members' must regularly change their passwords.
Article 8 (Provision and Modification of Member Information)
  1. ① 'Members' must provide truthful information to 'The Company' when required under these terms and conditions, and they shall not be protected from any disadvantages resulting from providing false information.
  2. ② 'Members' can access and modify their personal information at any time through the personal information management screen. However, some information necessary for the management of 'Earthpaper' may be restricted from modification.
  3. ③ If there are any changes to the information provided by the 'Member' at the time of registration, the 'Member' must update it online or inform 'The Company' of the changes through other methods.
  4. ④ 'The Company' shall not be responsible for any disadvantages arising from the 'Member's' failure to notify 'The Company' of the changes as specified in paragraph 3.
Article 9 (Protection and Management of Personal Information)
  1. ① 'The Company' makes efforts to protect 'Member's' personal information, including account information, in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations. The protection and use of 'Member's' personal information are subject to the Privacy Policy notified separately by 'Earthpaper' and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
  2. ② The 'Company's' Privacy Policy does not apply to services provided by third parties simply linked to the website, except for the individual services offered by 'Earthpaper'.
  3. ③ 'The Company' shall not be responsible for any information, including 'Member's' account information, that is exposed due to the fault of the 'Member'.
  4. ④ 'The Company' may provide personal information to government agencies or public institutions when requested in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
Chapter 3: Obligations of the Contracting Parties Article 10 (Company's Obligations)
  1. ① 'The Company' shall comply with relevant laws and regulations and shall faithfully perform the exercise of rights and fulfillment of obligations as stipulated in these terms and conditions. 'The Company' shall make its best efforts to provide goods and services continuously and stably in accordance with these terms and conditions.
  2. ② 'The Company' must have security systems in place to protect the personal information (including credit information) of users and ensure that users can use internet services safely. 'The Company' must also post and comply with a Privacy Policy.
  3. ③ 'The Company' shall ensure that 'Member's' personal information is not disclosed or provided to third parties except as provided in these terms and conditions and the Privacy Policy.
  4. ④ 'The Company' shall be responsible for compensating users for any damages incurred when they have suffered harm due to unfair representations or advertising practices as defined in Article 3 of the Act on Fair Labeling and Advertising in relation to products or services.
  5. ⑤ 'The Company' shall not send advertising information for profit purposes to users who have expressed their refusal to receive such information.
  6. ⑥ If a 'Member' does not meet the minimum technical specifications necessary for using 'Earthpaper,' 'The Company' may not be able to provide 'Earthpaper'.
Article 11 (Member's Obligations)
  1. ① 'Members' must not engage in the following actions
    1. Providing false information when applying for membership registration or updating member information.
    2. Impersonating another person, including using their personal information (including personal and payment information).
    3. Pretending to be an employee, operator, or other affiliate of 'The Company.'
    4. Unauthorized modification of information posted on 'Earthpaper.'
    5. Transmitting or posting information prohibited on 'Earthpaper' (such as computer programs).
    6. Producing, distributing, using, or advertising computer programs, devices, or equipment that 'Earthpaper' has not provided or approved.
    7. Infringing on the intellectual property rights, including copyrights, of 'The Company' and other third parties, as well as violating privacy rights and other rights.
    8. Damaging the reputation of 'The Company' or other third parties, or disrupting their business operations.
    9. Harassing, threatening, or causing continuous discomfort or inconvenience to specific users.
    10. Disclosing or posting information that may interfere with the intentional disruption or stable operation of 'The Company.'
    11. Posting information that is offensive, obscene, violent, or otherwise violates public decency, including numerical or graphic content.
    12. Unauthorized collection, storage, dissemination, or posting of other members' personal information.
    13. Selling or transferring data (accounts, etc.) for profit or making it the subject of rights (pledge, loan, etc.).
    14. Deceiving other members to gain unfair advantages.
    15. Using 'Earthpaper' in a gambling or other unethical manner.
    16. Exploiting program bugs.
    17. Unauthorized alteration of 'Earthpaper's' client program, hacking servers, altering the website or posted information in part or in whole, or using abnormal methods.
    18. Using 'Earthpaper' for profit, business, advertising, political activities, etc. without 'The Company's' consent.
    19. Registering 'Earthpaper' on more devices (PCs, smartphones, tablet PCs, etc.) than the number allowed by 'The Company' and accessing them simultaneously with the same ID.
    20. Running a replication program or performing screen capture, scraping, crawling, or similar actions while using 'Earthpaper.'
    21. Any action that disables DRM (Digital Rights Management) for content.
    22. Using content illegally when a legitimate contract between 'The Company' and 'Members' has not been established through payment.
    23. Any action prohibited by relevant laws or any action that is not considered morally acceptable in society.
  2. ② Members are obligated to review and comply with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, usage instructions, cautionary notices posted on 'Earthpaper,' and any notifications issued by 'The Company.'
Chapter 4: Service Usage Article 12 (Use of Services)
  1. ①The company may change the content of goods or services to be provided under a future contract in the event of goods or services being sold out or changes in technical specifications. In this case, the company will notify the changed content and the date of provision of the changed goods or services by specifying it in the place where the current content of the goods or services is posted
  2. ② In the event of changes as described in paragraph 1, the company shall compensate for any damages incurred by the user. However, this shall not apply if the company can prove that there was no intention or negligence on its part.
  3. ③ Even after membership registration, if there are specific requirements necessary for using certain services, the company may provide these services only to specific members who meet those requirements.
  4. ④ The company may change the types of devices, the number of devices available for 'Earthpaper,' and other details on a per-member basis.
  5. ⑤ The company may conduct regular inspections of 'Earthpaper' if necessary for its provision, and the timing of such inspections shall be announced on the 'Earthpaper' service screen and other appropriate places.
Article 13 (Content of Services)
  1. ① 'Earthpaper' refers to the following services
    1. Satellite imagery.
      1. Providing satellite imagery and geographic information, and entering into purchase agreements for high-resolution satellite imagery.
      2. Supplying satellite imagery and geographic information covered by purchase agreements.
      3. Offering free services related to satellite imagery and its analysis.
      4. Providing a service for enhancing the resolution of satellite imagery, referred to as "Ultra-High-Resolution Service."
      5. Offering telecommunication-mediated sales intermediary services based on separate agreements with satellite imagery partner companies.
    2. Insightful content.
      1. Entering into purchase agreements for insight analysis content based on satellite imagery.
      2. Providing insight analysis content covered by purchase agreements.
    3. Other internet services and related additional services provided by the company.
Article 14 (Termination of Services)
  1. ① In case of reasons such as maintenance, inspection, replacement, and malfunction of computer and information communication equipment, as well as interruptions in communication, 'Earthpaper' may temporarily suspend its services.
  2. ② 'The Company' shall compensate for damages incurred by users or third parties due to the temporary suspension of 'Earthpaper' services for the reasons mentioned in paragraph 1. However, this shall not apply if 'The Company' can prove the absence of intentional wrongdoing or negligence.
  3. ③ In the event that 'The Company' becomes unable to provide 'Earthpaper' services due to reasons such as a change in business type, abandonment of the business, or merger between companies, 'The Company' shall notify the users and compensate consumers in accordance with the conditions initially provided by 'Earthpaper'. However, if 'The Company' has not notified the compensation criteria, it shall pay the user in kind or in cash equivalent to the currency value commonly used in 'Earthpaper'.
  4. ④ When a 'member' loses their eligibility for the 'Earthpaper' account or withdraws from the account, 'Earthpaper' may not be provided smoothly.
  5. ⑤ 'The Company' may modify, suspend, or change part or all of various promotional events in the event of early exhaustion of the promotional budget or due to the necessity of 'The Company's policies and operations, and 'The Company' will not provide separate compensation to 'members' for this.
Article 15 (Publication of Advertisements)
  1. ① 'The Company' may publish advertisements through 'Earthpaper' screens, websites, emails, links, and other means related to the operation of 'Earthpaper', and 'members' consent to the display of advertisements when using 'Earthpaper'. 'Members' who receive emails or other forms of communication with advertisements have the option to refuse the advertisements.
  2. ② If 'members' participate in advertisements where third parties provided by 'Earthpaper' are involved, as this falls outside the scope of 'Earthpaper', 'The Company' does not guarantee reliability, safety, or other aspects, and 'The Company' will not assume responsibility for any losses or damages incurred by 'members' as a result of such participation.
Article 16 (Collection of Information)
  1. ① 'The Company' may, as necessary and when deemed necessary, store and retain service-related content on ‘Earthpaper' only in accordance with the provisions of the law.
  2. ② Only those who have been delegated to handle the business or those authorized by law are allowed to access and utilize the information mentioned in paragraph 1. When accessing this information, the reasons for access and the scope of access will be notified to the respective 'member' in advance. However, in cases related to significant violations of the terms and conditions as defined in Article 11 or violations of the law, notification will be provided after the access has taken place.
Article 17 (Use of Products)
  1. ① 'The Company' offers both free services within ‘Earthpaper’ that 'members' can use without any additional cost and paid services for which 'members' can choose to pay fees that 'The Company' has predetermined.
  2. ② Payment methods for the use of 'Earthpaper' can be made through the methods predetermined by 'The Company'.
  3. ③ Regarding the use of paid services mentioned in paragraph 1, 'members' must adhere to the following matters after applying for the use of the paid services they have chosen.
    1. Members who wish to use paid services must complete the payment through the method provided by 'The Company' after applying for payment.
    2. If a 'member' who is a minor wishes to use paid services that require payment, 'The Company' must obtain the consent of the 'member's' legal guardian, such as their parents. It is also required to inform, before payment, that the use of paid services without consent can be canceled by the legal guardian.
Article 18 (Copyright of Content)
  1. ① 'Members' must not infringe upon the rights of third parties, such as intellectual property rights, personal information, copyrights, trademarks, etc., while using the 'service,' and they must exercise sufficient caution to comply with related laws and regulations, including those related to copyright and personal information protection. In the event that a 'member' infringes upon rights such as copyrights, unless 'The Company' intentionally or negligently contributes to it, all civil and criminal responsibilities lie with the 'member' as the responsible party.
  2. ② 'Members' must not reproduce, transmit, publish, distribute, broadcast, or otherwise use, for profit or for the benefit of third parties, information obtained through the use of 'Earthpaper,' which is subject to intellectual property rights belonging to 'The Company' or 'affiliate companies,' without the prior approval of 'The Company.
  3. ③ 'Members' grant 'The Company' the right to use, store, reproduce, modify, publicly transmit, display, and otherwise utilize various posts they have created on 'Earthpaper' for promotional, advertising, informational, and other purposes on 'Earthpaper.' In addition to this, 'members' also grant 'The Company' the right to replicate, distribute, transmit, and display these posts on other websites within the scope necessary for the provision of 'Earthpaper.' 'Members' retain the right to modify and edit their posts within the limits that do not alter the fundamental content. This provision remains effective during the operation of 'Earthpaper' and continues to apply even after 'members' have withdrawn.
  4. ④ Copyrights and other intellectual property rights of works created by 'The Company' belong to 'The Company'.
  5. ⑤ 'Members,' when using information obtained through 'Earthpaper' for non-profit purposes or when quoting the content, must first obtain prior agreement regarding the scope of available content. For entities that have entered into content licensing agreements, the distribution of content is allowed, but in such cases, proper attribution to 'Earthpaper' as the source and compliance with the rules agreed upon during the contract with both parties is mandatory.
  6. ⑥ The act of extracting or quoting some content and then linking to a specific page without the prior consent of 'The Company' is prohibited.
  7. ⑦ 'The Company' is not responsible for the content of comments posted by 'members' on 'Earthpaper,' including Insight content. 'The Company' shall not assume any civil or criminal liability if a 'member's' comments infringe upon the copyrights of others. In cases where 'The Company' receives objections from third parties due to a 'member's' copyright infringement, the 'member' must make efforts to indemnify 'The Company,' and if 'The Company' is not indemnified, the 'member' shall bear the losses incurred by 'The Company' as a result.
  8. ⑧ If a 'member' whose legal interests have been infringed upon by information posted, including comments, requests the deletion of such information or the publication of counterarguments by providing evidence of the infringement to 'The Company,' 'The Company' may take prompt measures and notify the 'member' accordingly.
  9. ⑨ 'The Company' may change or relocate the posting location of content due to policies of 'Earthpaper' or reasons related to the integration of 'Earthpaper' operated by 'The Company,' and in such cases, advance notice will be provided.
Article 19 (Content Storage)
  1. ① The responsibility for the storage of data accumulated by 'members' while using 'Earthpaper' lies with the 'members.' Unless intentional or significant negligence by 'The Company' is recognized, 'The Company' is obligated only to make its best efforts for the restoration of the original state in the event of damage caused by 'Earthpaper' failures, service interruptions, data loss, deletion, alteration, etc.
  2. ② When a 'member' terminates the 'Earthpaper' service agreement, all content owned by the 'member' will be deleted, but comments will not be deleted. Deleted content cannot be recovered. However, content that has been replicated or transmitted through features like the scrap function is not included in the deletion.
  3. ③ If a 'member' deletes content, 'The Company' is not responsible for recovering the deleted content.
Chapter 5: Service Usage Restrictions and Contract Termination, etc. Article 20 (Membership Withdrawal and Loss of Qualifications, etc.)
  1. ① 'Members' have the right to terminate their 'Earthpaper' usage agreement (hereinafter 'membership withdrawal'). If a 'member' wishes to withdraw from membership, they can do so through the 'Earthpaper' internal membership withdrawal procedure. After withdrawal, rejoining 'Earthpaper' is not allowed for 7 days. After 7 days, rejoining is possible, but rejoining with the same ID that was previously withdrawn is not allowed.
  2. ② After membership withdrawal, 'The Company' is not responsible for matters falling under each clause.
    1. Payments already completed at the time of withdrawal will not be canceled due to withdrawal.
    2. All content held by the 'member' will be deleted upon withdrawal and will not be refunded.
    3. Comments written during the use of 'Earthpaper’ will not be deleted.
  3. ③ If a 'member' falls under any of the following reasons, 'The Company' may terminate the usage agreement, suspend the use of 'Earthpaper' for a specified period, or impose an indefinite membership restriction after termination of the usage agreement without prior notice.
    1. If false information is provided during the registration process.
    2. If an indecent username, nickname, or pseudonym that undermines public morals is used.
    3. If one collects, stores, or impersonates another person's information, such as their ID, password, or resident registration number.
    4. If the act of impersonating 'The Company,' including its employees and operators, or others is committed.
    5. If intellectual property rights of 'The Company,' other 'members,' or third parties are infringed upon.
    6. If actions that harm societal peace, order, and public morals are taken.
    7. If actions that damage the reputation, defame, stalk, harass, or cause harm to others are taken.
    8. If actions that may cause disruption to the information and communication network are taken.
    9. If actions for profit are taken without the permission of 'The Company' using its services.
    10. If actions are taken that violate the Electric Communications Basic Act, the Telecommunications Business Act, the Code of Ethics for Information and Communication, the regulations of the Information and Communication Ethics Committee, the Program Protection Act, and other related laws and regulations as well as the terms and conditions.
Article 21 (Notice to Members)
  1. ① When 'The Company' provides notice to 'members,' unless otherwise specified in these terms and conditions, it may be done through electronic mail or other means provided by 'members.
  2. ② In the case of notices to customers who are not unspecified 'members,' 'The Company' may, in lieu of individual notices, post them on the initial screen of 'Earthpaper' or in the announcement section for one week or more.
  3. ③ 'Members' must provide 'The Company' with actual contact information, such as a valid email address, and keep this information up to date, and they must check 'The Company's' notifications.
  4. ④ If 'The Company' finds it difficult to provide individual notifications due to the absence of 'members' contact information, failure to update it after changes, etc., 'The Company' will be considered to have provided individual notifications by posting them on the initial screen of 'Earthpaper' or in the announcement section for one week or more. 'Members' will not be protected from any disadvantages resulting from negligence of their obligations under Article 3."
Article 22 (Appeal of Service Restriction)
  1. ① In the event that 'The Company' terminates a 'member's' qualification, 'The Company' cancels the 'member's' registration. In this case, 'The Company' notifies the 'member' and provides an opportunity to submit an explanation within a period of at least 30 days before canceling the 'member's' registration.
  2. ② If a 'member' disagrees with the restriction of use of 'Earthpaper' and wishes to appeal, they must submit an objection letter stating the reason for the objection within 15 days from the date of notification, through the method specified by 'The Company.
  3. ③ 'The Company' must respond to the reasons for the objection within 15 days from the date of receiving the objection letter through electronic mail, telephone, or equivalent means. However, if it is difficult for 'The Company' to respond within 15 days, 'The Company' shall notify the 'member' of the reasons and the expected processing schedule.
  4. ④ 'The Company' must take appropriate actions based on the response provided.
Chapter 6: Paid Services and More Article 23 (Publication of Content and Details of Paid Services)
  1. ① In 'Earthpaper,' 'members' apply for purchases using the following or similar methods, and 'The Company' must provide the following information in an easily understandable manner when users make a purchase request.
    1. Name, Types, Contents, Price, and Duration of Paid Services.
    2. Searching and Selecting Paid Services.
  2. ② The content of the paid services provided by 'Earthpaper' can be accessed immediately upon purchase by the '회원', except for satellite images, which may take up to 3-4 days to become available for use. 'Earthpaper' can be used for the duration specified by the 'the company'.
  3. ③ Here is the information and terms of use for the paid services offered by 'Earthpaper'
    1. Supplier: Nara Space Technology Inc.
    2. Terms of Use: Follow the terms and conditions displayed on the website separately.
    3. Usage Period: Follow the usage period displayed separately on the website.
    4. Payment Amount: Follow the payment amount displayed separately on the website.
    5. Product Delivery Method: Follow the delivery method displayed separately on the website.
    6. Withdrawal of Subscription or Termination of Contract, Overpayment: Governed by 'these Terms and Conditions'.
    7. Matters regarding Compensation for Damages and Complaint Handling: Governed by 'these Terms and Conditions'.
    8. Method of Consultation: Inquire through the website.
Article 24 (Payment for Paid Services)
  1. ① Payment can be made by using the payment methods provided by 'Earthpaper'. However, if there is a separate operator for the payment method, the 'member' is considered to have agreed to the procedures and terms and conditions provided by the payment agent in order to use that payment method.
  2. ② Members under the age of 14 must obtain the consent of their legal guardian in order to use a payment method for charging, and the consent of the legal guardian can be obtained through methods such as mobile phone, email, etc.
  3. ③ The consent of a legal guardian for minors, as mentioned in the previous clause, is valid for 6 months in accordance with the guidance provided by the company.The company will notify the legal guardian by email 30 days before the expiration of the consent validity period selected by the legal guardian, and if there are no requests to withdraw consent from the legal guardian, the consent validity period will be automatically extended under the same conditions.
  4. ④ After obtaining the consent of the legal guardian, 'Earthpaper' will notify the legal guardian of the payment consent via email and provide details of the consent. If a minor member, who is under 14 years of age, performs payment obligations without obtaining the consent of their legal guardian, the member who is under 14 years of age or their legal guardian may cancel the relevant contract in accordance with applicable laws.
Article 25 (Approval for Payment of Paid Services)
  1. ① 'Earthpaper' may not approve or may later cancel approval and restrict the use of 'Earthpaper' for the following reasons
    1. When a real name is not used
    2. In the case of using or impersonating someone else's name without their consent
    3. In the case of omitting or providing false information for essential requirements, or failing to follow essential procedures
    4. In the case of a payment by a user under the age of 14 without the consent of a legal guardian
    5. In cases where the payer of the payment cannot be verified
    6. In cases where payment is made through abnormal methods or in violation of applicable laws
    7. When a Korean citizen with Korean nationality purchases satellite imagery of the Republic of Korea's territory with a resolution of 1.5 meters or less
    8. In addition, in cases where approval is deemed impossible due to the fault of the member
  2. ② The contract is considered to be concluded at the time when the acceptance of the service reaches the user in the form of a receipt confirmation notice.
Chapter 7: Payment Article 26 (Payment Methods)
  1. ① Payment methods for goods or services purchased through 'Earthpaper' can be made using any of the following methods
    1. Various card payments such as prepaid cards, debit cards, and credit cards
    2. Various bank transfers such as phone banking, internet banking, and mail banking
    3. Online direct bank deposit
    4. Payment upon receipt
    5. Other electronic payment methods
  2. ② The company can retain the payment-related information of the member for up to 5 years.
Article 27 (Payment, Modification, and Cancellation of Purchase Requests)
  1. ① If the company receives a purchase request from a member and accepts that purchase request, the company will send a confirmation of receipt notice to the user.
  2. ② The sales contract for 'Affiliate Business Partner Selling Service' is concluded when a member expresses their intention to purchase in accordance with the sales conditions of the 'Affiliate Business Partner Selling Products' presented by the 'Affiliate Business Partner,' and the 'Company,' acting on behalf of the 'Affiliate Business Partner,' accepts the purchase request by sending a confirmation of receipt notice to the member.
  3. ③ If the payment for the 'Affiliate Business Partner Selling Service' is not successfully processed, the 'Company' may cancel the corresponding order without the consent of the 'Member.'
  4. ④ The 'Company' may verify whether the 'Member' has the legitimate authorization to use the payment method used for payment, and until such verification is completed, the transaction may be suspended or canceled if it cannot be confirmed. In particular, for high-value payments, the credit card company may make confirmation calls for security purposes. If during the verification process it is determined that the order is not a normal one, such as the use of a stolen card or an order in someone else's name, the order may be held or canceled at the discretion of the 'Company.'
  5. ⑤ The 'Company' is not responsible for failed purchases due to insufficient balance on a debit card, expired card registration, or failed purchases caused by third-party payments.
  6. ⑥ The 'Member' is responsible for the information provided for payment and any issues arising from such information in relation to payment.
Article 28 (Completion and Processing of Transactions)
  1. ① When purchasing satellite imagery through paid services, it may take some time for the affiliate company to receive the data. After successfully receiving the data, the satellite imagery data will be delivered to the 'Member's 'Earthspaper' account by the 'Company'
  2. ② The schedule for receiving satellite imagery data can be changed at any time due to internal circumstances of the affiliate company or other factors.
  3. ③ For inquiries related to 'member' orders, you can contact 'the company' through the main phone number or by using the "Contact Us" feature on the website.
Article 29 (Fees)
  1. ① Membership registration on the website and app is free, and fees are only charged for specific services when used.
  2. ② The fee policy for 'Earthspaper' is based on the rules defined by the company, and members are responsible for paying fees for using the service.
  3. ③ The fee policy for 'Earthspaper' may be subject to change by the company's discretion, and the company will notify members of any changes through the website in advance.
  4. ④ In addition to the service fees charged by the company, members are responsible for any fees associated with their
Chapter 8: Subscription, Subscription Cancellation, and Refunds Article 30 (Refunds and Subscription Withdrawal)
  1. ① Due to the digital nature of the content, once a transaction is completed, it cannot be canceled, and cash refunds are not possible. Unlike other general electronic commerce, withdrawal or cancellation of the contract due to simple change of mind after payment is not possible. However, in cases where there is a defect in the content itself, not due to the fault of the user, you may request a refund within 30 days from the date you became aware of the fact or could have known it.
    Buyers are advised to be aware of this when making a purchase.
    1. If the provided content differs from the announced service description
    2. If you have purchased defective content and were unable to use it
  2. ② In principle, cancellations or refunds are processed using the same payment method as the original transaction, and members cannot request refunds using a different method from the payment method.
  3. ③ In the following cases, the user cannot request a refund
    1. When the user has downloaded or accessed digital content or services, such as streaming, making it impossible to return or reuse.
    2. When the user has made a payment for the same content with another service provider and requests a refund from the company.
    3. When the user refuses to update 'Earthpaper,' which could resolve the issue, and chooses not to use the service.
    4. When the user is unable to use the service due to their own mistake or error.
  4. ④ In the case of individual services, the company may establish separate terms and conditions regarding cancellations and refunds. In such cases, the cancellation and refund provisions specified in the individual terms and conditions will take precedence.
  5. ⑤ If a member is a minor and wishes to use paid services, they must obtain consent from their parent or legal guardian. Failure to do so may result in the minor or their legal guardian canceling the contract.
  6. ⑥ For matters related to cancellation and refunds that are not specified in these Terms and the site's usage guidelines, the Consumer Compensation Rules will be followed as prescribed.
Article 31 (Effects of Subscription Withdrawal and Others)
  1. ① The Company shall, without delay, request the business operator who provided the payment method, such as a credit card, when the User has paid the fees for 'Earthpaper' or other fees, to suspend or cancel the billing of the fees for 'Earthpaper' or other fees.
  2. ② In the case of withdrawal of subscription, etc., the User shall bear the cost of returning the supplied goods or other items. The Company shall not charge the User any penalty or damages for withdrawal of subscription, etc. However, if the service or other items do not conform to the displayed or advertised content, or if they are not performed in accordance with the contract, the Company shall bear the cost of returning the goods or other items.
Article 32 (Overpayment)
  1. ① In case of overpayment related to payment for paid services, the Company will refund the overpayment using the same method as the payment of the usage fee. However, if it is not possible to refund using the same method, the User will be notified in advance.
  2. ② In the event of an overpayment caused by the Company's fault, the full amount of the overpayment will be refunded. However, if an overpayment is caused by the User's fault, the User must bear the reasonable expenses incurred by the Company in refunding the overpayment, and the Company may deduct these expenses before refunding the overpayment.
  3. ③ If a User claims an overpayment and requests a refund, the Company may refuse the refund if it can prove that the paid fee for the paid services was legitimately charged.
  4. ④ The Company follows the detailed refund procedures and other related matters regarding overpayments as specified in the "Guidelines for the Protection of Content Users.
    1. When the Company or a Member becomes aware of the occurrence of an overpayment, they must notify the other party through the methods provided by the Company, such as email or the website.
    2. When the Company or a Member becomes aware of the occurrence of an overpayment, they must notify the other party through the methods provided by the Company, such as email or the website.
    3. The Member should provide the necessary refund information to the Company.
    4. The Company will process the refund within 7 days from the date when the Member provides the necessary refund information. (Offset against the next charge if agreed by the Member)
Chapter 9: Compensation for Damages, etc. Article 33 (Compensation for Damages)
  1. ① If the Company intentionally or negligently causes harm to the Member, it shall be liable for compensation for the damage.
  2. ② The Company shall handle the standards, scope, methods, and procedures for compensating Members for damages caused by defects in paid services in accordance with the Content User Protection Guidelines. However, in cases where compensation for damages is separately specified at the time of purchasing paid services or in this Agreement, it shall be governed by such specifications.
  3. ③ Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 1, the Company shall not be liable for any damages arising from services provided free of charge. However, this exception does not apply in cases where damages are caused by the intentional or gross negligence of the Company.
  4. ④ If a member violates this agreement and causes damage to the company, the member is responsible for compensating the company for the damages.
  5. ⑤ If, in providing affiliate services, the member agrees to individual service terms and incurs damages due to the fault of the individual service provider, the individual service provider shall be responsible for the relevant damages.
Article 34 (Exemption from Liability)
  1. ① If the company is unable to provide the service due to force majeure, war, or other events equivalent to force majeure, the company shall be exempt from the responsibility for providing the service.
  2. ② If the telecommunications service provider suspends or fails to provide telecommunications services due to reasons beyond the company's control, the company shall be exempt from liability for any resulting damages.
  3. ③ The company shall be exempt from liability for damages arising from unavoidable circumstances such as maintenance, replacement, regular inspections, construction, or other reasons related to the 'Earthpaper' equipment.
  4. ④ The company shall not be liable for damages caused by errors in the user's computer or for damages caused by the member's inaccurate provision of personal information and email address.
  5. ⑤ The company is not obligated to confirm, endorse, oppose, or modify any opinions or information expressed by members or third parties. Except as provided by applicable laws or in cases where the company has intentional or negligent actions, the company is not responsible for any benefits or losses incurred by members relying on the information contained in 'Earthpaper'.
  6. ⑥ The company is not responsible for any transactions involving goods or monetary exchanges between members or between members and third parties using the service, except as provided by applicable laws or in cases where the company has intentional or negligent actions. The company also does not assume any responsibility for the expected benefits that members may have regarding the use of the service.
  7. ⑦ The company does not guarantee the accuracy or reliability of the information posted on 'Earthpaper' by members or other relevant agencies. Therefore, except as provided by applicable laws or in cases where the company has intentional or negligent actions, the company is not responsible for any losses or damages of any kind incurred by users as a result of using the above information.
  8. ⑧ The company shall not be responsible for compensating users for any damages resulting from the intentional or negligent actions of the user or any mental distress caused by other users in relation to the use of 'Earthpaper.'
  9. ⑨ The company may change the content, software, postings, etc., within the website without prior notice.
  10. ⑩ The company is not responsible for any damages incurred due to the negligence of the member in fulfilling their obligation to confirm changes in other related laws, these terms and conditions, operational policies, member announcements, and so on.
Article 35 (Dispute Resolution)
  1. ① The company provides a way for members to express their opinions or complaints through the website for the convenience of members.
  2. ② If the company objectively recognizes that the opinions or complaints raised by the member are legitimate, the company will promptly handle them within a reasonable period. However, if the handling process takes an extended period, the company will notify the member of the reasons for the delay and the expected processing schedule through the website, email, written communication, or other means.
  3. ③ If a dispute arises between the company and a member, and it is resolved through the mediation of a third-party dispute resolution organization, the company will faithfully provide evidence of the actions taken against the member and may comply with the resolution of the mediation organization.
Article 36 (Jurisdiction and Governing Law)
  1. ① Lawsuits regarding electronic commerce disputes between the company and a member shall be filed with the exclusive jurisdiction of the local court having jurisdiction over the user's address at the time of filing, and if the address is unclear or for foreign residents, it shall be filed with the court having jurisdiction under the Civil Procedure Act.
  2. ② Korean law shall apply to any electronic commerce lawsuit filed between the company and a member.
  3. ③ Any matters not specified in this Agreement shall be governed by relevant laws, the company's regulations, and other customs.
  4. ④ The company provides translated versions of this Agreement to make it easier to understand. In case of any discrepancies between the translated versions and the Korean version, the Korean version shall prevail and apply.
  • · Notification Date : October 02, 2023
  • · Enforcement Date : October 02, 2023